Make sure you have enough money before starting a business

Make sure you have enough money before starting a business. Before investing and building a business, make sure you have enough money to save for at least the next six months to pay any charges or fees that will arise. It is important to have a reserve fund within the next six months before investing or facing something that is not as expected. Of all the money received, set aside some of it to be saved as an emergency fund. So, do not spend it entirely on daily expenses.

When we have and carry credit cards wherever we go, the desire to continue spending more money because the money is not visible. Without realizing it, the debt accumulates and there is even no residual to save. So it would be nice not to have a credit card or have, but with the proper arrangements in its use. The author of The 4-Hour Workweek, Tim Ferriss once said, when aged 20 years, it is better to optimize yourself by learning rather than eyeing a lot of money. "You can learn to have experience making deals and looking for skills," Ferriss says. He said, by prioritizing the skills faster, will encourage productivity in the future. At the age of 20 years, we should multiply to explore self potential and improve skills. That way, we can be more mature when it comes time to enter the workforce.

The author of Financially Fearless's Alexa von Tobel says, "Not having a financial goal is not good, what I've seen so far, without personal finance education, it's easy to lose without knowing where it goes," Tobel said. According to Tobel, it is fortunate to learn finance when it was 20 years old. With his knowledge, he also helps others to wisely manage finances. In essence, clever-pandailah in managing finances for whatever you get. TOMS co-founder, Blake Mycoskie, once said, "When I was 20, I suggested that everyone could follow what he liked instead of chasing money, I have seen someone who follows his heart and what he likes and ultimately succeeds.

According to him, at the age of 20 years, no need to worry about money. However, you should focus on something you like. For example, when you are in your 20s, you step on the status of a freshman. Because you feel too much free time, you decide to work instead of completing the thesis. As a result, you are lulled in the search for money and abandoned thesis. Therefore, you should finish the thesis task in a fun way first. For example, doing thesis while undergoing a hobby like traveling.

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